The Interface of RGB 888


RGB is a color standard in the industry, which is used to obtain a variety of colors by changing the three color channels red (R), green (G) and blue (B) and superimposing them on each other. RGB represents the color channels red, green and blue, and this standard includes almost all colors perceived by human vision. It is one of the most widely used color systems.

Type of RGB Interface

Parallel RGB

Signal Description
VSYNC frame synchronizing signal
HSYNC horizontal synchronizing signal
DEN Data enable signal
DCLK Data clock signal
DATA[0:23] Data signal

Serial RGB

Signal Description
VSYNC frame synchronizing signal
HSYNC horizontal synchronizing signal
IIC/SPI Parameter configuration signal
DCLK Data clock signal
DATA[0:23] Data signal


  • The interface is generally 3.3V level
  • Need synchronization signal
  • Need to refresh the image data from time to time
  • Appropriate timing needs to be configured
  • Resolution
    • Serial RGB
      • 800*480
      • Clock Frequency : 83 MHz
    • Parallel RGB
      • 1920*1080
      • Clock Frequency : 149 MHz
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